Lana Bernberg Lana Bernberg

What parents are saying

"I felt lost in how to parent my strong-willed, spirited daughter. I had read so many parenting books, yet struggled to find my rhythm as a parent. Once I started to work with Lisa, I began to trust my intuition more and finally found a parenting path that resonated with my heart and mind. It has helped me deepen my relationship with my children. I’m so thankful for Lisa’s warm approach, her wisdom and insight." -LOS ANGELES PARENT

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Lana Bernberg Lana Bernberg

What parents are saying

"I feel so incredibly lucky to have Lisa in my life. I first met her as my teacher in several of the Neufeld Institute online classes - her warmth and compassion, the joy she shared with her co-teacher about the students and the material, and her deep understanding of children and families from this healing perspective of attachment drew me in right away. Later I reached out to Lisa for advice through her parent coaching sessions, and found that same warmth and compassion, deep understanding and joy — but even more, in our one-on-one sessions, she was able, time and time again, to help me completely shift my “take” on what was happening, to feel my own feelings and accept things I was resisting, and return to the issue at hand with new skills and new insights that made things better EVERY TIME. Lisa has an amazing ability to listen between the words I am saying or the situation I am describing to get to the heart of what is really going on, and lifts every conversation to a completely different level. I end feeling hopeful and empowered - yes, with some “work” to do on myself or the situation! - but a clear idea of what would be next. I feel her sincere care and concern for my family, that she wants us to find our way, and we are. Thank you so much, Lisa!”

-Cindy M.

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Lana Bernberg Lana Bernberg

What parents are saying…

“Taking Lisa's class Making Sense of Adolescence has been surprisingly more helpful in a deep and meaningful way than I had anticipated. Little nuggets like remembering to be softer in my interactions with my son, and knowing that I'm always working on relationship with him, have been so useful in my day-to-day interactions. The lessons I'm learning in Lisa's class will have a ripple effect for good in this world which also feels so valuable. This class delves into topics that really make sense, but are things our society has gotten away from-nurture your kids and know that your bond with them is the most important thing you can give them. “

-Lupin H.

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Lana Bernberg Lana Bernberg

Blog Post Title Four

"We started working with Lisa when our 14-year-old (they/them) was in a deep depression coming out of the pandemic. We were so disconnected with them, and we were scared that we had lost them. With Lisa's help, we were able to take simple steps to reconnect, respond to their needs, dial down our efforts to control them, and rebuild our relationship. They are so much happier now, and they turn to us for advice and to share big feelings. I feel sure that this wouldn't have happened without Lisa's help.”

-Bryony R.

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